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Updated weekly (Sunday 09/03/2025):

Liturgy  1st Sunday of Lent (YrC) – ‘Trust in God’

We begin the 40 days of Lent with Luke’s account of Jesus’ 40 day fast in the wilderness and his temptation by the devil.  When we fast and try to turn away from sin we are often tempted to go back into our old ways and must pray to the Lord to give us the grace to resist.  We are fortunate because as Paul tells us, ‘The word that is the faith we proclaim, is very near to you, it is on your lips and in your heart.’  By confessing Jesus as Lord and believing in his resurrection we will be saved.

Readings:  Universalis

Homily:   Sermon

Hymns: (below)

Services at StMC / StP:  Please check the newsletter(s) for the times & days of services.

Live Holy Mass Links:   a) Middlesbrough Dioc   b) UK/Ireland    c) World (in English)


The Pope’s Prayer Intentions: [Link: Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network]:

March 2025: For the New Martyrs:  Pope Francis invites prayer “for those around the world who risk their lives for the Gospel, to inspire the Church with their courage and missionary zeal.”
