Updates daily (1/6/2025):
Prayers: Morning Mid-morning Midday Afternoon Evening Night (Saint of Day)
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Updated weekly (Sunday 05/01/2025):
Liturgy: Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord ”The Nations Come”
No doubt we shall sing about the three Wise Men today, or even about the ‘three Kings of Orient’ and think of it as a rather charming legend. Like all the Christmas feasts there is a serious side, seen at its most dangerous in the person of Herod who wishes to kill the infant Jesus and so protect his position. Throughout history the message of Jesus has been a threat to the rich and powerful. It is, however, the strength of those who are poor and weak and who open their hearts to the Lord. It is by kneeling doing homage that we truly become wise and share in the mystery of God’s love for each one of us..
Readings: Universalis
Reflection: Sunday Plus
Homily: Sermon
Hymns: (below)
- As with gladness men of old
- Bethlehem, of noblest cities
- The first Nowell
- We three kings of Orient are
- What child is this?
Services at StMC / StP: Please check the newsletter(s) for the times & days of services.
Live Holy Mass Links: a) Middlesbrough Dioc b) UK/Ireland c) World (in English)
The Pope’s Prayer Intentions: [Link: Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network]:
January 2025: For the Gift of Diversity in the Church: Pope Francis calls for prayers to the Holy Spirit “to help us recognize the gift of different charisms within Christian communities and to discover the richness of various ritual traditions within the Catholic Church.”